The bar was raised incredibly high as Deepali Designs brought together an incredible lineup for the Khelo India University Games, that took place from 25th May to 3rd June 2023. There were many special teasers and run-ups to the main sporting extravaganza. Everything had a backstory and reason for being from the unveil and the conceptualizing of the captivating Barasingha Mascot to the torch and its elements to the Games jersey.
The rousing Games Anthem set the tone for an extraordinary sporting event. With over 200 universities from across India and more than 7000 participants, this summer witnessed the biggest sporting extravaganza - on the ground by Deepali Designs. The opening ceremony opened with a larger-than-life set of offerings. With wowsome Technology, a high-in-the-air suspended Truss with a mind-blowing screen with integrated and anamorphic design, the expectations were set very high. Seamless management of the games was the trend throughout. The Games ended with an equally thrilling closing ceremony and felt that this Games was the best managed and had the most spectacular visual feast that was as dazzling in technology as it was senses-driven.