Uncontainable Delight
Uncontainable Delight

Hero MotoCorp

Challenge: Hero MotoCorp wanted an out-of-the-box solution for its event. But time was always at a crunch.

Solution: For the first time in India, we worked inside a shipping container and integrated an overhead hangar structure with trussing, lighting and our event inside it


The result:

  • We intelligently merged the existing shipping container with the event infrastructure
  • The shipping container solution became the perfect fit for the experiential marketing event, with lights, trusses, and projections.
  • We used a hangar format on top of the containers – which was an operational and an engineering feat, never done before.


  • We were able to redesign and recast the tame, boring shipping container to match and exceed the client's vision.
  • The possibilities became endless with our customized shipping containers! This was used indoors at a convention centre with individualized segments for seating people and activities, projection mapping, front projection video narrowcasts, and provision for locking security of valuable assets.
  • Various events from around the world have achieved far less in much more time.